There are to be included in the congress programme and to be published only reports, approved by reviewers, shaped in accordance with the graphic and text instructions and which have been public announced at the sectional or poster sessions.
The full text of the report, including up to 4 pages, together with the Application for Participation (Form В) or online registration are to be sent not later than 31.05.2024. The file name of the report shall include the submission number, the name of the first author and am. For instance:
The presentation of reports at the sectional meetings must be in English. It is allowed the reporting to be in Bulgarian, Russian or German with a must condition, the multimedia presentation to be in English.
In case of impossibility to participate in the congress sectional meetings to make the report, the same is to be presented at the poster session. In such a case a Publication Fee only is to be paid and the report will be published in the congress issues. Authors, who will participate in the congress by correspondence, has to send until 10.06.2024 by e-mail the poster variant of the report, shaped in accordance with the requirements of text and graphic instructions for posters, in order to make it public available for the participants in the congress. The Organizational Committee undertakes to print the poster in А1 format and to include it in the poster session.
All instructions can be found on the congress internet page There from you can download also the report title page. In order to facilitate the authors, there is a font and place formatted text on the title page, so when you replace it by your title and authors, they’ll have the necessary font and place.